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Student Spotlight: David Tribble

David Tribble joined the Applied MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programme in autumn 2016. After gathering years work experience in Telecommunications Management and Engineering, he decided to go back to school and acquire skills in Data Science.

What compelled you to return to school after many years?

I am a Californian, which means that I am the product of a culture that is constantly changing, reinventing itself, producing innovation and change with reckless disregard to conservative ideas like age. It is very common in California to return to school for a Master’s Degree or even PhD during middle age years. Higher education in my home culture is not something that is considered reserved for only the young.

Why did you choose to study Data Science?

Data Science, data analytics, computer driven analytics and data driven decision making is the future trend in every direction of the work environment of California today. If you take a close look at any industry, retail to manufacturing, health care to financial services, you will find various business plans to utilize current data, and create new future data sources to make better informed decisions. Therefore, five years ago I made a personal plan to acquire these skills to better prepare myself for the emerging business environment.

Why did you choose DSTI?

I chose DSTI because of the close relationship the school has with industry and business. I consider these relationships to be very important. Plus, I like the focus upon practical and applied Data Science, vs. the theoretical research model of a traditional university.

In three words, describe your experience at DSTI.

Expanding future horizons.

What advice would you give to future students?

Support and collaborate with your classmates instead of being competitive. Enjoy and take advantage of the social events and networking with DSTI. Be open to the idea that the most challenging classes you take, might become over time the area of data science you enjoy the most and take up a career in the future.

Picture of David Tribble

David Tribble

Telecommunications Management and Engineering


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