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Alumni Testimonial: Eric Kiennemann

After spending 15 years employed in several medium-sized firms as an IT manager, Eric felt the urge to steer his career down a new path. Data science, which presents a plethora of professional avenues and bears relevance to his previous role, emerged as the ideal avenue for transition. We hold immense pride in our alumni. Eric Kiennemann, an alumnus of the Applied MSc in Data Science & AI (Autumn 2020), recounts his time at DSTI.

My year at DSTI has been rich on several levels. First of all, on a human level. The world of data science was totally unknown to me. Being able to quickly meet people with qualified skills such as the professors, but also the students from my cohort and the previous ones, it very important when you enter the job market.

Secondly, on a technical level. The Applied MSc is very dense and covers all areas and the latest innovations in data science. The length of the course allows you to have time to go deeper into your areas of interest or those where you feel more comfortable. This is where the human and the technical parts meet. The fact that we have compact cohorts composed of various professional backgrounds means that we help each other and this interaction between students is beneficial to all.

Finally, the professional aspect of this year. Many professors are Data Scientists in companies and the possibility of doing a 6-month internship in this position helped me to obtain my first permanent contract as a Data Scientist.

In short, a very intense and rich year, both humanly and technically, which allowed me to change my career path and become a Data Scientist.

Picture of Eric Kiennemann

Eric Kiennemann

Data Scientist Project Manager


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